Friday, November 11, 2011

McDonald's is always hiring....

      Earlier this month, some members of the Chicago Board of Trade showered protesters of the Occupy Chicago movement with applications from McDonald's. Oh those wacky traders, those wacky elitist traders! That's hilarious...well, not really hilarious. It's more like smug, elitist, and arrogant. Frankly, it's also quite stupid.
      I can't help but wonder what statement these people were making by specifically using McDonald's Applications. Why not post or Careerbuilder's website information? Is it possible that the traders were specifically using fast food applications in an attempt at a joke that mocks both the protesters and the McDonald's opportunity?
      It's pretty common for comedians both professional and the jerk in your office, classroom, or family to occasionally crack a joke at the expense of fast food workers. It has become the go-to move when we want to put down someone's job aptitude, ability or intelligence.
Oddly enough, it's also the same opportunity people cite when saying about the unemployed that they "could" find work "if they really want to". They say places like McD's are always hiring.
      Now, I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to work there. You make it sound so prestigious. You are so respectful of the opportunity there... Your go-to jokes denigrating the folks who currently work in these places make it seem like such a great idea. It's so weird that people don't flock to the opportunity.
      You often speak about them as if they are stupid and beneath you.

The funny thing here is that you could not be more wrong. The vast majority of people that work in fast food are good, honest, hard-working people that do not deserve your ridicule or the ridicule coming from the pompous jerks at the Chicago Board of Trade.
The way it looks, the folks protesting are either ridiculed for protesting or have the option of being ridiculed for taking that coveted prestigious job at McDonald's.
      I will take a moment as someone who has worked in a fast food environment for more than half of my life, to tell you Chicago Board Trader and those that join you, to get a life. I have had the privilege of working with fast food workers that have more character, more integrity and more intellect, yes intellect, than most "professionals" I know outside of the fast food industry. I hope it makes you feel better about your own pathetic existence to poke fun at some people simply trying to put food on their family's table.
      Fellas, you could never compare to the quality of people I know in fast food. 


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